7 day challenge

Improve your presenting skills in English in 7 days!

Join the 7 Day Presenting in English Challenge and achieve results in just 7 days by improving pronunciation and intonation, using key phrases, developing skills for creating engaging openings. and much more!

Only 69.99 EURO

(Suggested B1 level of English required)

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    Meet the trainer!

    Frank has over 10 year's experience teaching English to businesspeople and creating courses.

    Frank Lane (Course creator)

    What you get:

    • Daily videos to provide engaging and informative content that helps participants improve their skills.
    • Direct feedback and support from the coach to ensure participants receive personalized attention and guidance.
    • Daily homework to reinforce learning and put new skills into practice.
    • Daily email reminders and encouragement to help participants stay motivated and committed to achieving their goals.

    What is in it for me?

    1. Improve pronunciation and intonation to speak more clearly and confidently in English.
    2. Learn to use body language effectively to convey messages and engage the audience.
    3. Develop skills for creating engaging openings to capture the audience's attention.
    4. Enhance visual aids to help illustrate and support key points in presentations.
    5. Develop strategies for handling questions and managing Q&A sessions with the audience.
    6. Learn to tell stories to make presentations more engaging and memorable.
    7. Increase confidence and reduce nervousness when presenting in English.
    8. Improve vocabulary and grammar for more effective communication in English.
    9. Learn to adapt language and communication style to different audiences and cultures.
    10. Deliver presentations with greater impact and influence.